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The comparison of rheological properties of aqueous welan gum and xanthan...
发布时间:2013年08月28日 12:10    作者:ciclab    点击:[]

L. Xu, G. Xu, T. Liu, Y. Chen and H. Gong,The comparison of rheological properties of aqueous welan gum and xanthan gum solutions,Carbohydr. Polym.,2013,92(1), 516-522.

Rheological properties of welan gum and xanthan gum solutions have been characterized systematically at various concentrations, temperatures and salinities. It is found that the viscoelasticity of welan gum is higher than that of xanthan gum at the same condition though the molecular weight of welan gum is lower. In view of this, welan gum will make a good performance in enhanced oil recovery, especially in high temperature and high salinity reservoirs. Network structure can be formed in solutions of welan gum and xanthan gum for the dynamic modulus has exponential relationship with the concentration. Moreover, the molecular aggregates of welan gum adopt a different arrangement with that of xanthan gum, adjacent double helices of welan gum arrange in parallel as the zipper model. The structure formed by zipper model is still stable in high temperature and high salinity.

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